What explains the increase in the price of gold from 2000 onwards?

And certainly, if we look at our household expenses, we all have seen the cost of a bag of groceries skyrocket similarly.
The value of gold, with a long history of currency value , is reflecting the cost of things
“…gold has not gone up in price but rather the purchasing power of fiat has declined …”
The real cause of all this ? we can guess at some answers. I am not knowledgeable here but will offer a few suggestions
  • Sept.11, 2001 - a major event affecting global chaos and general uneasiness in world economies
  • Dramatic ramp up in US involvement in middle East
  • US debt skyrocketing , maybe partly as a result of the military activity in middle east
  • Declining economy in US, as many manufacturing jobs have been lost due to outsourcing. The US economy is stifled because it is not adding value to raw materials at the rate it once did, much of this has been transferred to Asia
